Beautiful, Natural Smiles
Our Services
Dental Extractions
Even if you practice the best oral habits, you may still find yourself needing a tooth extracted. There are several reasons you may need a tooth removed, including infection or fractures. Even “baby teeth” can cause problems if they don’t fall out naturally. With a quick and simple procedure, a dentist can easily remove a tooth from its socket. Any of our patients who are feeling anxiety or discomfort about having a tooth extracted have the option of receiving nitrous oxide or oral sedation, which can help ease the process.
Missing teeth could eventually lead to problems with your jaw and discomfort when chewing. Missing teeth can also cause your facial tissue to gradually collapse, which can create the appearance of premature aging.

Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are large third molars that grow in the back of your mouth, and start appearing in young adults between the ages of 16 and 25. In some cases, they can grow into place normally, never requiring extraction or surgery.
Potential Complications
Typically a dentist will recommend removing wisdom teeth early on, before becoming fully developed, and before they cause other problems such as gum tenderness, pain or swelling. Wisdom teeth can also become impacted over time, which means they get stuck due to a lack of room, or the angle that the tooth is growing in. Impacted wisdom teeth, or wisdom teeth that are just too far back to keep clean, can cause cavities to form in adjacent teeth. For these reasons, once a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, it will need to be removed.
Each case is unique, and we usually begin by taking a panoramic X-ray to help determine whether your wisdom teeth will require extraction. We may recommend removal of wisdom teeth earlier, rather than later on in life.
If wisdom teeth are impacted we recommend extracting wisdom teeth in your early twenties, since it’s more likely that the roots have not yet fully formed and the bone surrounding wisdom teeth can be less dense. Extraction at a younger age can be easier and recovery time reduced. If patients need more complicated extractions or are extremely medically compromised they will be referred to a specialist.
After extraction, recovery begins and the timeline can depend on the difficulty level of the procedure. We can provide you with the best information available to ensure a speedy recovery.
Have questions about
your teeth?
We can help you with any concerns or questions you may have.
Book your appointment today for a comprehensive oral exam and hygiene appointment.